ETTECEC- Together we growETTECEC- Together we grow (2017- 2019)
The Early aTTention for the inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders in Early Childhood Education and Care systems (ETTECEC) project focuses on offering education and training for pre-school teachers to reduce disparities and foster inclusion. Running from October 2017, this two-year project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme.



ASD-EASTASD-EAST– Autism Spectrum Disorder- Empowering and Supporting Teachers (2018-2020)
The purpose of this project is to empower specialist teachers in Croatia, Poland and the Republic of North Macedonia to support the effective inclusion of children with autism in education, by providing them with appropriate skills, knowledge, effective strategies and locally-appropriate training. The project will learn from what is currently taking place within these three countries, as well as being modelled on existing practice in the United Kingdom and informed by work undertaken in the Erasmus+ funded ESIPP & IESPESA projects.


ChildINChildIN– European childminders training to support inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorder (2018-2020)
The European childminders training to support inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorder (ChildIN) project focuses developing a training for European childminders to foster inclusion of children on the autism spectrum. Running from November 2018 to October 2020, the project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme.



ESIPPESIPP- Equality and Social Inclusion Positive Parenting (2015-2018)
The Equality and Social Inclusion Positive Parenting (ESIPP) project, which focuses on offering educating and training for parents of children on the autism spectrum. Running from September 2015 to August 2018, the project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme.




DE-ENIGMADE-ENIGMA– Playfully Empowering Autistic Children (2016- 2019)
The DE-ENIGMA project, funded by Horizon 2020, is developing artificial intelligence for a commercial robot (Robokind’s Zeno). The robot will be used for an emotion-recognition and emotion-expression teaching programme to school-aged autistic children. This approach combines the most common interests of children of school age: technology, cartoon characters (that Zeno resembles) and socializing with peers.



IPA+IPA+ – Autism- Training for Inclusion (2016-2018)
Inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in Europe. Towards a specialised training model for professionals
The main aim of the project is to develop a basic training of reference for all professionals working with people on the autism spectrum – independently of their area of knowledge – which responds to the aforementioned gaps, the demands of the society in general and of this group of population and their families.


IVEAIVEA- Innovative Vocational Education for Autism (2018-2021)
The Innovative Vocational Education for Autism (IVEA) project aims at fostering social inclusion of autistic people through employment by developing a European holistic guide. Running from October 2018 to March 2021, the project is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme.




CORTTEXCORTTEX COgnitive Resources for Toddlers Teens and EXperts (2020-2022)
The Erasmus+ project CORTTEX focuses on employing novel teaching strategies, methods, technologies and knowledge in order to increase learner quality of experience, improve learning process and cognitive development.
This two-year project, launched in December 2020, is led by the University of Bucurest and includes four other partner organisations from Greece, Romania and Belgium.