The University of Macedonia has 10.000 students and 8 departments. The Department of Educational and Social Policy at the University of Macedonia is the only Department in Higher Education in Greece that is responsible for training teachers and other professionals working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Department implements contemporary teaching models on Autism Spectrum Disorders and places students for apprenticeships in special, mainstream, preschool, primary, secondary, technical vocational school units all over the country as well as in institutions abroad through several programs like Erasmus, AISEC etc. The Department runs several research programs, postgraduate programs and specialization programs on Autism (e.g. Specialization program on Alternative systems of communication, Specialization program and Certification on Assessment on ASD tools e.g. "ΠΑΙΣ" Moreover, the Department is responsible for the organisation and management of the ways in which teachers and parents with children with ASD communicate and collaborate with each other. The Department is on constant dialogue with society and special education schools/units, mainstream schools, in both primary and secondary education to integrate both theory and practice between all stakeholders working with children with autism. The department cooperates with several public authorities, research centers and institutions like the Ministry of Education, the Institute of Educational Policy, Centers of Diagnosis and Support, schools, school advisors and others.
Every year members of the various academic Departments as well as the administrative offices take part in the biggest educational exhibitions and fairs. At the moment, the UOM has many active bilateral agreements with foreign partner institutions worldwide.
University of Macedonia has been established since 1957 as a University orientated mainly to economic studies. In its sixth decade of operation, the University of Macedonia, the continuity of the historical Graduate School of Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki, is a modern state Higher Education institution, renowned for the ambience of quality, freedom, democracy, meritocracy and individual development it provides to all its members: students, Academic and Research Staff and university employees It is the second largest University in Thessaloniki, specialized on economic and social sciences.

The following Schools function in the University:

  1. School of Business Administration Sciences with the Department of Business Organization and Administration
  2. School of Informatics Sciences with the Department of Applied Informatics
  3. School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts with
    1. International and European Studies
    2. Educational and Social Policy
    3. Music Science and Art
  4. 4. School of Economic and Regional Studies
    1. Department of Economic Sciences
    2. Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies.

The positive evaluation results received by the overwhelming majority of the Departments of the University of Macedonia, its smooth operation throughout the entire academic year, the prudent economic management of its funds and the knowledgeable, ambitious, and talented human resources, guarantee the quality of the University today and vouch for its future development into a dynamically growing medium-sized university not only in Greece but also in the surrounding regions.
Additionally, every year members of the various academic Departments as well as the administrative offices take part in the biggest educational exhibitions and fairs. At the moment, the UOM has many active bilateral agreements with foreign partner institutions worldwide such as: Birmingham City University, United Kingdom, Vilnius Business Law Academy, Lithuania, Universite de Provence (Aix-Marseille I), France, Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu, Romania, Universite De Nantes, Faculte des Lettres, France, National University or Ireland, Galway, Ireland, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic National Chiayi University, Taiwan, University Tomsk State, Tomsk, Russia.
The UOM is a member of the following international organizations:

  • EUA (European University Association): Joint association consisting of CRE (Association of European Universities) and the Confederation of European Rectors Councils.
  • IAU (International Universities Association).
  • CUM (Community of Mediterranean Universities).
  • EUCEN (European Universities -Continuing Education Network).
  • THENUCE (European Thematic Network in University Continuing Education).
  • ASECU (Association of Southeastern Economic Universities)
  • EUPRIO (European Universities Public Relations & Information Officers).
  • IAUP (International Association of Universities Presidents).
  • AIMOS Network
  • BSUN (Black Sea Universities Network).