Ruxandra Folostina is a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest. She is also Associate Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest and President of the Romanian Association of Special Education. She worked for many years in the therapy of autism spectrum disorders, and she provides now clinical psychology service to children with ADHD, intellectual disability, adopted children, children with learning disorders and children victims of bullying. She attended training programs in playtherapy and dramatherapy, Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programs (Standard and Basic). Previously, she was employed as an educational psychologist at the St. Nicholas Special School in Bucharest.
Claudia Drăgănescu is a Ph.D. student and a Junior Lecturer at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, from Romania. Her research interests include stress and resiliency in caregivers of people with disabilities. The motivation for this research theme comes from the practical experience she’s been having in the field of disability. For the past 10 years, she has been working as a clinical psychologist and cognitive behavioral therapist with children and adolescents diagnosed with autism and neurodevelopmental, conduct or emotional disorders. Her warmth, empathy, and playfulness recommend Claudia for working with children. Also, her planning skills and passion for teaching make her a great working colleague.
Loredana Tudorache has a PhD in special education quality management trying to develop in almost 20 years of experience educational services which would answer more efficiently to the expectations of the children and young people with special needs, to bring into the schools innovative solutions for the problems considered hard to solve in the context of under-financing of this field in Romania. She has initiated and implemented local and international projects where a particular interest has shown for solving the issues of social and school inclusion of children with autism by augmentative and alternative communication, art therapy and vocational education (projects as Networks of volunteers to support children with special education needs, Here I am, Baking the future, Quality for all).